Investors presentations

Financial reports


Positions descriptions


Audit committee

The Audit Committee is comprised of independent members of the Board of Trustees, appointed on an annual basis for the purpose of overseeing the funds financial controls and reporting in addition to monitoring whether the fund complies with financial covenant and legal regulatory requirements governing financial disclosure matters and financial risk management.

Charter of the Audit Committee


Compensation, Governance and Nominating Committees

The Compensation, Governance and Nominating Committees is comprised of independent members of the Board of Trustees, appointed on an annual basis. The committee is charged with overseeing board effectiveness, trustee selection, considering questions of management succession, administering securities-based compensation plans and assessing the overall performance and compensation of management of the fund, among other responsibilities.

Charter of the Compensation, Governance and Nominating Committees


Investment Committees

The Investment Committee has the overall responsibility to ensure that the fund's investment decisions are consistent with the Investment Guidelines and Operating policies as set forth in the fund's Declaration of Trust. The committee will carry out its responsibilities with a view to achieving the fund’s strategic objectives of assembling a portfolio of high quality assets and delivering the benefits of such real estate to shareholders.

Charter of the Investment Committee



Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

Marera Company’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”) has been endorsed by the board of trustees of the fund and applies to trustees, directors and officers of the fund and Marera Services. The objective of the Code is to provide guidelines for maintaining the integrity, reputation, honesty, objectivity and impartiality of the fund. The Code addresses conflicts of interest, protecting the fund’s assets, confidentiality, fair dealing with security holders, competitors and employees, insider trading, compliance with laws, and the reporting of any illegal or unethical behavior.

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics


Whistleblower Policy

The fund, its subsidiaries, and Marera Services ltd. have a strong commitment to the conduct of their business in a lawful and ethical manner. In line with that commitment, the fund has adopted a Whistleblower Policy. The Whistleblower Policy outlines the process by which trustees, directors, officers, managers and employees and others may communicate with the fund about concerns they may have in respect of illegal or unethical behavior and when in doubt about the best course of action in a particular situation, without retaliation.

Any person with a good faith concern about any accounting or auditing matter or any other matter which such person believes in violation of the Code is directed to contact the Audit Committee of the fund (who is independent of management of the fund Entities) on a confidential basis at

Whistleblower Policy